1. "Unclear why the team decided to parachute onto the scene under cover of darkness from a C-17 with rafts" instead of "simply landing on the destroyer via helicopter" = Navy SEAL Team VI are kind of like MacGyver, except with sniper rifles instead of a paper clip and a ball point pen.
2. Red is the new black, Mike Green is just dirty good and only three days older than me, he and Ovie probably need to just get a room (and invite me along with them) --> win or lose, the Stanley Cup playoffs make for just exhaustively good watching and I'm not the only one in town who thinks so. (But Game 1 last night = I haven't watched Lost yet, so if the yesterday's episode ended with Walt shaking a snow globe, I don't want to talk about it. Until tomorrow.)
3. As long as we don't try to use the results to suppress mutant phenotypes, I'm alright with continuing to fund genetic research.
4. Two words: bacon torch. On second thought, a few more words, because the opening sentence to this article is too good: "I recently committed myself to the goal, before the weekend was out, of creating a device entirely from bacon and using it to cut a steel pan in half."
...and for number 5, we go back to pirates: 007-y gadgets as weapons are just not quite ready for prime-time on the high-seas.
Lastly, a bonus question I'm going to throw out there - After spending all of childhood behind rough approximations of what my dad's military buddies would have called BCGs, I'm thinking about taking up my parents' offer to get Lasik. Anyone able to assuage my fears that the laser eye surgery process is scary or convince me that night blindness and dry eyes are a fair trade for life without contacts?

(NB: Two Bond references in one post? Damn. Someone had their Wheaties this morning.)
oh, and PS: the picture included at right? You really really need this. Trust us, we know a thing or two about snack products designed to taste like other, less shelf-stable snack products.
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