-Contrary to research I've spent my whole life doing, astrophysicists claim that the Milky Way tastes like something other than caramel, nougat, and dreams.
-Forget what I ever said in praise of Peter Orszag: The solution to the sub-prime mortgage crisis isn't to be found in the OMB or Obama's magical Cabinet... it's much simpler, more elegant. Two words: ant realtors. The BBC says they're "better than humans" at rationally picking out homes, but I have to wonder... can they make houses that look like this?! Okay, maybe they can. But... can they make houses that look like this?! ...No? And they wouldn't want to? Because ants, unlike people, make "rational decisions"? ...
-lol ESPN.comhax0rd. The glittery unicorns and rainbows are great... utilizing the Konami cheat pushes it into the realm of the awesome... and the finishing touch of changing all the text on the page to Comic Sans? That's just classy.
-Between this Churchill Downs piece and the dramz last week with the polo horses, I'm beginning to think pdclem2's blog posts have even more of an impact on the real world than I had previously thought... I guess I'm just glad he's on our side? I mean, let's be honest, horses had it coming, but... I don't even want to think about what could happen if powers like Pete's were used injudiciously.
-And for good measure, my favorite swine flu humor so far. I spent the better part of the day Wiki-reading about things like cytokine storms and the last big bad flu, and honestly, I don't know what to tell you except that Gizmodo's got some really good links to H1N1 outbreak GoogleMaps if you're like me and would rather geekily indulge in amateur (and somewhat morbid) epidemiology than seriously think about any precautions you should actually be taking.
1 comment:
The googlemaps swine flu bit is great. I love maps with dots on them, and when the dots mean death, it's even better.
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