So I've been on a hiatus of sorts...doing the whole "book tour" thing...and I promise I along with my fellow colleagues, Jocelyn and Peter, will be back to blogging very soon, but for now a shameless plug...or several...
Now if you haven't already rushed out and purchased one or more copies of - that's right, The NYTimes Bestseller - Womenomics: Write Your Own Rules For Success (keep scrolling - almost there - just past Elisabeth Hasselbeck's "The G-Free Diet" - down to #10 - you got it), I suggest you do so...they make great great Father's Day gifts and just for the sake of simplicity and Amazon ratings you should buy your copies here.
Also, while you brought it up - the lovely ladies of Womenomics - Claire Shipman and Katty Kay are big time bloggers - I know, I know - while writing their own rules for success, redefining success and scheduling more flex-time work-time for their said successes they also have found the time to blog. Both here and here. Also, I mean, lets face it, these ladies are tech gurus of sorts - they twitter like mad...follow them if you dare...ClaireShipman and KattyKayBBC (not to be confused with KattyKay - the science writer...who most assuredly did not write her own rules for success.) Now I bet you're thinking...man, not only do these ladies spend their days blogging, tweeting, mothering, careering, negotiating, flexing...I bet there's no way they could possible find time in their already packed day for other social mediums is there? Yeah, you'd be wrong my friend. These doyennes are also facebookers. That would be correct. I can't get them off of it. Both of them. I've had to block facebook on several occasions just to get the ladies to focus and blog more.
So if you're smart enough, and have the time - you should follow the tweets, facebook em, blog right alongside them...do whatever you gotta do to hop on the wave that is The Womenomics Revolution.
Now as you know by now, you can't possibly turn on the TV without seeing these 2 original Womenomicists. Here they are chatting with Charlie Rose - unlike what some may believe (it's really okay, because he's such an awesome person) no one was bored to tears. And if that wasn't enough to conform you, check out KK holding her own on the Colbert Report - just after being informed by his producer that "it's just like talking to a friendly drunk." The next morning, bright and early as it was, they made their way over to shoot it with Mika "oh stop it" Breziznsky and Joe Scarborough on what I guess is now called - Morning Joe - Brewed By Starbucks or something like that??? At some point in that week, Claire headed over to sit down with the ladies of The View. There's no doubt that the reason the book is only number ten on the NYT bestseller list, and didn't shoot directly to number one is because Claire didn't start some shit with Elisabeth like I suggested. If Whoopi can do it, Claire you got more than free reign. Then, come Sunday - Claire was on This Week giving props where props were due, and of course don't forget to check out Bill Maher this Friday the 19th where he is most certainly going to start some esss.
I mean clearly these ladies are far too famous for me to post all of their forays into fame, so I will leave you with the initial and most significant ones. They're all over the intertubes - regular contributors to some of your favorite(or as Katty spells it - favourite) weblogs - Miss Brown's own Daily Beast and they even have a conversation going in Madame Huffingtons new living section.
1 comment:
How much money do you make per copy of the book that sells?
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