1. Michael Lewis. it's been a while since i read Moneyball and The Blind Side, but his commentary on Bloomberg a couple days ago reminded me of how great he is.
2. Taqueria Distrito Federal. so good and so cheap, in the Central American "tres tacos" tradition. once the market bounces back (any day now!), i'm cashing in my 401k, franchising one of these babies at 18th and Columbia, keeping it open until 4am, and laughing as Julia goes down in flames. for now though, it's a Co. Heights/Petworth hidden gem.
3. ATTEND at the Kennedy Center. if you're under 25, this program is pretty fly. we saw Ivan Fischer conduct the NSO featuring Steven Isserlis in a Haydn cello concerto on Friday, second row orchestra seats for ten bucks. hard to beat. Frost/Nixon in two weeks should be good, too. pre-gaming the Kennedy Center is the new pre-gaming crappy frat parties, and the chances of ending the event with the walk of shame are much lower (no guarantees.)
4. the Washington Redskins coaching staff. instant Halloween costume: speed skates, a coyote fur jacket, an unlined baby face, and a general air of Buddha-like enlightenment. alternately, if you're too low on funds to buy a viola, brush up on your ability to make trenchant metaphors about pregnancy, old cars, fine wines, and urination and go as Greg Blache. this Halloween, be the change you wish to see in your Washington Redskins.
5. IZZEesque. i just had one of these at the Whole Foods in Tenleytown and it was balla. it tastes like the regular Izze and it manages to be low cal whilst also (probably) not giving you cancer (read: no aspartame).
I agree with your Kennedy Center comment, however I disagree vehemently with your comment regarding Ivan Fischer. I, in fact, attended said concert and I feel that his conducting could only be qualified as mediocre at best. Countless times he let the string section lag when entering after the brass section. Though I do agree, without a doubt, his handling of the woodwind section was phenominal, as I can personally attest to. Steven Isserlis was also not at his best on said night. His fingering during the climatic movement was well below sub-par. In my opinion, even your beloved Jim Zorn could satisfy the audience more completely.
that's a lotta links.
this is kinda like the first 20 pages of the new yorker...
oh, and also...they have lots of samples of IZZEesque at costco. not that i, greggles, go to costco three times a week for lunch or anything like that. definitely not.
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